About database of compositions

The database New Music for Kids and Teens contains works suitable to be rendered by children and teenage musicians. Authors of the compositions include contemporary composers – both from Slovakia and abroad. Works in our database can be downloaded and used for free.

Compositions by composer

Compositions by country

Compositions by difficulty

Compositions by instruments

Other recommended compositions

Please visit the database regularly as it is constantly updated!

The database contains:

  1. Solo compositions for children (singing, solo instrument)
    • Beginner level
    • Intermediate level
    • Advanced level
  2. Chamber music for children (various combinations of instruments)
    • Beginner level
    • Intermediate level
    • Advanced level

In order to log in and use the database please register.

The database is available only for registered users (EMS teachers, conservatory teachers, private music teacher, music school students, etc.) upon their agreement with the conditions of presenting and publishing the compositions.

The following free programs might be useful for you when downloading the scores: