New music collections09/08/2013

Dear friends,

we would like to share some exciting news with you! Two very interesting collections have been added to our New Music for Kids and Teens database: Fero Király's Botanická záhrada (Botanic garden) with graphic scores for any instrument or object, creative games with music and short pieces for piano; and an album of music models inspired by Orff's Schulwerk, Bausteine (Building blocks) by Tomáš Boroš. Don't hesitate, you are a few clicks away!

Contemporary Music For Kids09/06/2013

Timo Klemettinen EMU board member:

The musical world in which young people and children are living is narrowed by the influence of the economical interests of the global media companies. Young people around the world is listening more or less the same artists which are choosen and marketed for consumers by major recording companies.

The composers from the field of classical contemporary music, jazz and world music have great difficilties to find new audiences and have a dialogue with younger generations.

Therefore the initiative New Music for Kids and Teens of the ISCM Slovak section which aims to enhance the co-operation between composers and teachers, pupils and students is higly important and needed.

Composers have much to offer for music education and youngsters. Every child who will be « the lucky one » and able to work with composer will receive experience which sometimes can change their whole life.

The old image of the composer who is living in his private ebony tower is not any more valid. The composers of today need to act actively inside society and give their own input when building multicultural and innovative societes. This is not possible without initiatives like New Music for Kids and Teens.

No comment...07/19/2013

"Dear team from New music for kids,

Yesterday I found you on the web, I'm surprized I haven't found your site earlier, because I've been looking for these kind of initiatives many times before. Congratulations with this great initiative. Thank you for this great website."

mail from Erica Roozendaal (music teacher), Netherlands, 7 Apr 2013

New partners07/19/2013

We are happy to announce that we have two special partners for our
database - the publishers Musica Baltica (Latvia) and Editio Musica
Budapest (Hungary).

New piano piece07/19/2013

Chinese composer Xiao Hu wrote a piano piece "Song and Dance"
exclusively for our online database!

Music as game07/19/2013

The first video of the "Music as game" series is out! Watch how Mrs.
Ingrid Ginzery and her student Jakub Hantábal work together on new
music skills and what they think about György Kurtág's Perpetuum

Mrs. Ginzery & Jakub


Right now we are working on a music map of Slovakia where you can find all primary art schools in Slovakia involved in the Portraits 2013 concert series - as well as all the
countries that will be portrayed! One of the Portraits concert will also be the opening concert of the ISCM World New Music Days 2013 festival in Košice on November 4, 2013.

Download scores from the database07/10/2013

In the past 2 months there were more than 1180 downloads from our
online database.

Our email adresses has been changed01.18.2013

From January 18th 2013, we have new email addresses: and You can find them also in the section Contacts. There was a problem with the registration of new users during changing email addresses, so we apologize for it. If someone failed to register during the past week, it may now try again, the system works.
Team New Music for Kids and Teens

Opera for children01.10.2013

Dear friends, we would like to inform you, that the children´s choir Pressburg Singers conducted by Mgr. Janka Rychlá from Primary art school st. Cecilia in Bratislava are preparing for a Bratislava performance of "Oasis", an opera for children composed by the Israeli composer Tsippi Fleischer! Written originally in German, the choir will premiere it in English in May 2013. Contact us for more information, or visit the primary art school`s website,

There are new compositions in the database! 4.30.2011

Our electronic database has recently been enlarged by new works of a young Slovak composer Viliam Gräffinger. He enriched the project New Music for Kids and Teens by his series of piano compositions, which had originally been created as simple composition exercises. Soon to come are also children's compositions of another young Slovak author - Ľuboš Bernáth.


If you still haven't done so, it's high time to register to have access to our database!

Composers, read carefully! 4.30.2011

The first deadline for including your compositions into the database is as early as 30 June 2011!!!


We accept works composed after 1980 suitable for children and young music performers.

Don't hesitate and join us! More information…